

Aufnahme Band “Auge für Verbesserungen”


Dieser Band mit seinen vielen Abbildungen kann als Leitfaden und Tool für die Beurteilung von Mammogrammen für alle an der…
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El enfoque correcto; Manual de técnicas de posicionamiento para la mamografia


Escrito por Cary van Landsveld-Verhoeven, Tecnólogo en Radióloga Sénior de LRCB.
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O foco correto; Manual de técnicas de posicionamento em mamografia


Escrito por Cary van Landsveld-Verhoeven, Radiologista Consultor Sênior LRCB. ISBN/EAN: 978-90-821079-1-3
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Guide “Vers une amélioration”


Ce recueil de clichés peut etre utilisé comme guide et outil pour évaluer les mammographies, pour tous les professionels concernés.…
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Image book “Focussing on improvement”


This image book can be used as a guide and tool to assess mammograms, for all professionals involved in mammography.
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The Right Focus; Manual on mammography positioning technique


Written by Cary van Landsveld-Verhoeven, Sr. Consultant Radiographer LRCB. ISBN: 9789082107913
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Poster ‘Positioning in Mammography: Uniformity to achieve optimal comparability’


The A0-poster “Positioning in Mammography: Uniformity to achieve optimal comparability” is intended for quick reference in the mammography room.
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Poster ‘Insteltechniek mammografie: Uniformiteit voor de vergelijkbaarheid’


The Dutch A0-poster “Insteltechniek mammografie: Uniformiteit voor de vergelijkbaarheid” is intended for quick reference in the mammography room.
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Poster ‘Posicionamento em Mamografia: Uniformidada para alcancar padrrão ótimo para comparacão’


The Portugese poster “Posicionamento em Mamografia: Uniformidada para alcancar padrrão ótimo para comparacão” is intended for quick reference in the mammography room.
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Poster ‘Breast Cancer Screening’


This poster shows how the Dutch screening programme is organized and which conditions are required for successful screening.
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